It takes time and effort to ‘chase’ someone for payment. We very much dislike having to do it when the situation comes up.
If a customer finds themselves in a bit of a situation and unable to pay the Invoice when due, please contact us by email, and let us know when you plan to make payment. If a customer does not let us know there is a problem or a delay, and does not respond to any of our attempts to contact them, we have to assume that they are avoiding us, and we have to assume that they do not have any plans to pay their Invoice(s).
Please ensure that you have added the email address that our Invoices are sent from to the ‘white list’ or ‘safe senders list’ or ‘contacts list’ in your email system or email account, so that it does not accidentally filter out our emails or mark them as ‘spam’ or put them into your junk or ‘spam’ or some other folder where you might not see them.
If you (or any) customer is having a technical problem with PayPal or our website, in making payment please email us right away and we will try to work through it over the next day or two. Ignoring the potential problem and not paying the Invoice, or not emailing us about it, is not going to help the situation any.
If a customer gets an email from PayPal advising them that there has been a problem with their automatic payment, guess what, we got an email from PayPal as well telling us that the automatic payment has been suspended or cancelled, so we know that the customer was sent one. Likely that email means that your credit card expired, is over its limit, or some similar problem. PayPal does not tell us the details and we do not need to know the details. (We just want to get paid, and preferable on the due date.) Please just ensure that you pay that Invoice, then if you wish to, you can start a new automatic payment come the next billing period.
At some point in time, we may simply decide that the customer is avoiding us, and we might cancel the customer’s service. Waiting until we disconnect your service to reply to us, or contact us, and then acting surprised or upset, is not the best option.
Once we have disconnected the service, we will have to order a reconnection, after payment for past Invoices is received, and we will require another Installation fee, and there will be a delay in getting things working again.
So, if you have a plan to make payment, but you do not share that plan with us, we have to guess. We don’t like it when customers make us guess. Guessing is not always good. Our crystal ball is not so good. We might guess that the customer doesn’t plan to pay, and disconnect the service. Please do not make us guess. Please pay Invoices on their due dates, and if there is a problem in not being able to pay the Invoice or in the payment method, or some sort of technical problem, etc, please contact us right away by email (don’t wait), maybe we can figure out something. We like to think that we are very reasonable, but at the same time please note that 'we have been around the block' so please be completely honest with us.
You are certainly welcome to contact our Sales or General Help Desks in either the English of the French language. We will do our best to reply in the same language that the question was written in. We also offer a Technical Support phone number (English and French), which is only for use by existing Internet customers (in Canada), who need technical support with their Internet connection or modem (but not for questions regarding other topics or other services, and not for sales or address serviceability questions). Please see our Support page for those links and the phone numbers.
Oui. Notre Base de Connaissances peut avoir les réponses que vous recherchez. Vous êtes certainement le bienvenu à nous contacter en français pour poser des questions ou de demander de l'assistance général. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre dans la langue française. Nous proposons également un numéro de téléphone de support technique (anglais et français), qui n'est utilisé que par des clients Internet existants (au Canada), qui ont besoin d'un support technique avec leur connexion Internet ou modem (mais pas d'autres sujets). Consultez notre page de Soutien pour ces liens et numéros de téléphone et pour savoir comment contacter le Help Desk.
Web hosting plans (or if you prefer the term website hosting plans) to meet all business website hosting needs. Below are our three most popular web hosting plans. Custom web hosting plans can be created on request. Questions welcome. All prices on this website are defaulted to US dollars (but Canadian customers have the option to change the currency on the page to Canadian dollars by using the 'Change Currency' selector on the bottom left corner of the shopping cart page in the order placing process). Softaculous Auto Installer is included allowing you to quickly install one of a variety of website Content Management Systems (CMS) including WordPress, or for a small additional cost you can add access to our website builder and use that to build your own website.
Web hosting and website hosting to meet all needs, both personal web hosting and business web hosting. Let us help you with your websites. Cheap web hosting prices. In some cases we even provide free web hosting, for example to churches. WordPress hosting is available. We use Cpanel web hosting in a Linux web hosting environment. English is the default language for the cPanel web hosting control panel, but once logged in you can change the language. Our web hosting plans billing is based on a 30 day period from the sigup date, (not based a calendar month).
No matter if you need American web hosting, web hosting USA, web hosting Canada, web hosting UK, web hosting EU, business web hosting, WordPress hosting, or you just want to buy a domain name, we have what you need. Our prices are pretty good too! We also offer VPS hosting, and most website related services, just ask. We can even help you with New Zealand web hosting and domain names!
All of our web hosting plans incldue the Softaculous Auto Installer. One Click Install for 450 apps, inclduing Blogs, Micro Blogs, Portals, CMS, Forums, Image Galleries, Wikis, Social Networking, Ad Management, Calendars, Gaming, Mails, Polls & Analytics, Project Management, E-Commerce, ERP, Guest Books, Customer Support, Frameworks, Educational, DB Tools, Music, Video, RSS, File Management, Libraries, Seo Panel, phpFreeChat, WeBid, SLiMS, Open Journal Systems, Question2Answer, YOURLS, Mautic, Form Tools, SPIP, phpFormGenerator, phpLD, Soholaunch, Privacy Policy Generator, PASTE, GLPI, jobberBase, PHP QR Code, ArticleSetup, webtrees, PhpGedView, InfiniteWP, wallabag, Codiad, AJAX Chat, Hablator, BlaB! AX, Agora-Project, u-Auctions, Firefly III, OpenBiblio, Open Conference Systems, DomainMOD, Commentics, XCloner, SVNManager, phpDocumentor, Kimai, SimpleRisk, Fusio, EasyAppointments, UserSpice, TastyIgniter, XMS, LibreHealth EHR, Unmark, HuMo-gen, and Open Monograph Press. Install apps within seconds with just ONE CLICK. Get the updated version of apps within a day. Check the demos of scripts to experience the app before installing. Install WordPress themes while installing WordPress itself. Most of the apps can be installed in your choice of language. Get a better solution at cheaper rate. In addition, the SitePad Website Builder (with over 350 'ready to use' themes) is now available with Softaculous, and SitePad Website Builder is in additon to the other website builder we offer, so you certianly get a lot of choices with our web hosting plans!
The list of CMS in the Softaculous Auto Installer includes: Joomla, Open Real Estate, e107, Geeklog, Xoops, PHP-Fusion, Concrete5, MODX, CMS Made Simple, Drupal, Zikula, Composr, Website Baker, PHP-Nuke, Mambo, Subrion, sNews, jCore, GRAV, PyroCMS, Contao, SilverStripe, Silex, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, Bolt, ProcessWire, Fork, Kirby, Koken, Pluck, ImpressPages, Sitemagic CMS, Redaxscript, Quick.CMS, PopojiCMS, ImpressCMS, Open Business Card, Monstra, Mahara, phpwcms, Bludit, Microweber, OctoberCMS, SiteCake, Croogo, Pimcore, liveSite, Jamroom, Anchor, WonderCMS, PluXml, Saurus, Typesetter, Pagekit, Fiyo CMS, razorCMS, TYPO3, CSZ CMS, Atlantis CMS, Cotonti, WBCE CMS, Directus, Zenario, Plikli CMS, Hotaru CMS, Kopage, SCHLIX CMS, CMSimple, LEPTON, Precurio, appRain, ClipperCMS, GeniXCMS, Zsite, and Wolf CMS.
The list of e-commerce shopping carts for your wbesite that we offer though the Softaculous Auto Installer includes: AbanteCart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, CubeCart, OpenCart, osCommerce, Open eShop, Zen Cart, Loaded Commerce, TheHostingTool, BoxBilling, TomatoCart, Magento, thirty bees, LiteCart, X-Cart, Avactis, Quick.Cart, Open Source Point of Sale, SimpleInvoices, Invoice Ninja, Blesta, InvoicePlane, Arastta, AlegroCart, Axis, Zeuscart, Thelia 2, SeoToaster, phpCOIN, Shopware, ClientExec, osCmax, Logic Invoice, EC-CUBE, PEEL SHOPPING, Maian Cart, WhatACart, and ShopSite.
Web hosting is something that most modern businesses need. Your business needs a web presence, which means that it needs web hosting, a domain name, and a website. You simply cannot afford not to have web hosting, and compared to many forms of advertising, having a website is a minor expense.
Our Website Hosting Services are well priced. We provide secure and safe website hosting services with 99% uptime. If you have any questions on our website hosting services, please ask. Click here to see our website hosting plans.
All prices are in US dollars unless stated otherwise. All web hosting services are provided by WRS Web Solutions Inc. (and in some cases other companies we work closely with). If you have any questions, please contact us (preferably before placing an order).
Cheap Internet VancouverWordPress hosting. Yes, we offer WordPress Hosting as an option with all of our web hosting accounts! Every one of our web hosting control panels contains the WordPress Manager. The WordPress Manager is found near the bottom of the page of the Web Hosting control panel (also called cPanel) under 'Applications'. Click on this Icon and it can walk you though installing a WordPress website on you web hosting plan. WordPress is a 'content management system' or 'CMS'. It is an alternative to a website builder. Wordpress is free, and easy to use. It is very popular, and it is designed for the average person to be able to use.
Once you have created your website with WordPress, it will provide you with your login information, so that you can go to the WordPress Control Panel for your website, and login to it. (The WordPress Control panel is a separate control panel from the cPanel Web Hosting Control panel.) Once logged you can get on with the business of building your website. Inside that control panel you can make as many web pages for your website as you wish, etc. Please note that with WordPress, the pages of your website will usually be stored in the WordPress database that belongs to your website, and are not usually shown as individual html pages in the ‘Files Manager' are of your cPanel Web Hosting Control panel. WordPress will be installed in the English langauge, but once inside your WordPress control panel you can change the language under 'Settings' and then 'Site Language'.
Website builder. Our Website Builder is available to all customer for a small fee. At least we think it is a small fee, you be the judge of that. We offer the Weebly website builder. A website builder allows most people to make their own website, and then to maintain their website. Using a website builder is much like using a word processor program. Most people find it fairly easy to use. Using a website builder can save people a lot of time and a great deal of money, over paying someone to design and build your website for you, as custom website development can be expensive and time consuming. This is just one of the advantages of a website builder, such as the Weebly website builder that we offer. A second advantaged of a website builder, is that it allows you to quickly and easily make changes to your website, without having to hire and pay a web developer to make them for you, and it is much faster than that process as well. Each one of our web hosting plans comes with the option to add on monthly access to the website builder, for a small additional monthly fee.
Domain names. We offer a wide selection of domain names. Why not browse our selection of domain names and pick that perfect domain name today? Register your domain name today, or transfer your domain name. Take your time in picking a domain name, and pick the best one for your business, organization or requirement.
Looking for a Domain Name Registrar? There are certainly many Domain Name Registrars out there. Which one though is the best Domain Name Registrar? Many people will give you many different answers to that question! Some Domain Name Registrars are more expensive than others. Sometimes some Domain Name Registrars will give you a domain name far below cost, in hopes of getting your business, then in a year's time when it is time to renew your domain name you get shocked at just how much the cost is to renew it. (We do not do that.) Hopefully you pick the Domain Name Registrar which best fits your needs and your budget! If you wish, you can use this website to browse, pick and register that ideal domain name? Why not start right now?
Business website hosting. Think of us for all of your business website hosting needs. Business domain names. Business website hosting plans. Business websites. Business portals. Business CMS. Custom applications and more. We have (or can create) business website hosting plans to meet every business website hosting need.
Free SSL Certificate. Yes that is correct, a Free SSL Certificate. The way we accomplish is is that we have the Let's Encrypt Auto SSL feature installed and activated on on our web hosting server. So if your domain's website is hosted with us, your website would be covered by a free SSL certificate. In fact this website is using a free SSL certicate right now, in case you wanted to see how well it works. That said, if you would still prefer to buy an SSL certifiate, we sell SSL certificates as well! Please click here to see the ones we sell.
Free SSL Certificate. Yes that is correct, a Free SSL Certificate. The way we accomplish is is that we have the Let's Encrypt Auto SSL feature installed and activated on on our web hosting server. So if your domain's website is hosted with us, your website would be covered by a free SSL certificate. In fact this website is using a free SSL certicate right now, in case you wanted to see how well it works. That said, if you would still prefer to buy an SSL certifiate, we sell SSL certificates as well! Please click here to see the ones we sell.
Website security. Does website security interest you? Like most things in life some people find it fasinating, ... others not so much. If it does, please click here to see the website security serices that we offer.
Email Security. In additon to providing one or more email accounts with your web hosting, we offer Email Security. Email Security include such topics as Incoming Email Filtering, Outgoing Email Filtering, and Email Archiving. Please click here to read more about these Email Security services.
Every Web Hosting control panel comes with two backup Icons. These Icons can be found under the 'Files' folder. One is called 'Backup' and one is called 'Backup Wizard'. Every customer has the ability to use these as a way to backup your website. You can also use a free file transfer program or 'FTP' program such as Filezilla, to download copies of your website files.
In addition, we do our best to backup all customer web hosting accounts, hosted with us, on a regular basis. This means that it is unlikely you will ever need to do your own backups. Still we believe that customer’s should perform regular backups of these websites, etc, and that is why our Terms of Service makes data/website backup a customer responsibility. (So what we are saying is that while we will do our best, we are not actually 'responsible' or 'liable' for your backups, you are. So, if you have valuable data, etc that would be tragic is some unforeseen event occurred, them you should proactively arrange to make your own backups of your website files, databases, emails, etc, and store those backups some place else, such on your home laptop or computer, USB drive, etc, on a regular basis.) There is an old saying in the IT world that "Those that don't believe in backups - will!"
WRS Web Solutions Inc. Our company has been in business since 2010. Our websites include as well as and a few more besides. This website is our primary website for domain names, domain name registration, web hosting services, website builder, website and hosting related services, and many other web solutions.
Please note that this website is fully available in the English language. Various parts of this website may be available in other languages. Support is available in the English language. French language support may be available. Questions may be in any language.
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The aim of this Support page is to quickly and effectively answer your most common questions/concerns, without you having to to contact us. Please click on a question below, or scroll down the page to read each question and answer.
What are your internet plans & prices? Is internet availability at my address? Do you have seasonal internet plans? When is my installation appointment? How will my modem ship? How to I setup my Hitron CODA-4680 Modem? How to I configure my SmartRG 808AC Modem? How to I configure my Hitron CGNM-3550 Modem? How to I setup my TC-4400 Modem? How do I configure my DSL modem? I do not have my full internet plan speeds I have a flashing light on my modem what does that mean? I have no internet please help? I received my modem but have no internet? How do I do a Factory Reset A Modem? How do I run a speed test? How do I open The Command Line? How do I Ping? How do I Change To A Faster Speed Plan? I didn't see a tech how do I know if my connection is working? How do I move my internet service to a new address? How do I cancel my internet service? Home Phone and 911 What is my monthly internet usage? How do I return a modem? What is your phone number? Do you have retail stores? Are you registered with the CRTC? How do I watch the TV shows, movies and the login to the CTV app? I have a different question.